by David H. Eberly, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology
General Information. The first printing of the book is 784 pages long. It includes a CD-ROM with the Wild Magic version 3.0 source code. The table of contents gives a brief idea of what topics are covered in the book. If you find what you believe to be errors in the book text or in the source code, please send an email to technical support with a description of the problem. The book includes a CD-ROM with the Wild Magic Version 3.0 source code. Source code updates are no longer available at this website; the Wild Magic code is archived.
Second Printing. The book sold so well that the publisher needed to print more copies. This is not a second edition; however, I had the opportunity to make corrections for the new printing. The only change in the Table of Contents was the Section 8.3.2 title. It now is "Max and Maya Exporters". This printing shipped with Wild Magic 3.4.
Copyright Notices. This material has been published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers and David H. Eberly. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission. Copyright © 2005 by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers and David H. Eberly.
Credits. Tim Cox (Senior Editor); Simon Crump (Publishing Services Manager); Justin Palmeiro (Project Editor); Elisabeth Beller (Project Management); Rick Camp (Editorial Assistant); Chen Design Associates, San Francisco (Cover Design); Rebecca Evans (Text Design); Windfall Software (Composition, using ZzTEX); Dartmouth Publishing (Technical Illustration); Ken DellaPenta (Copyeditor); Jennifer McClain (Proofreader); Steve Rath (Indexer); The Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group (Interior Printer); and Phoenix Color Corporation (Cover Printer).