Table of Contents for Game Physics

1  Introduction
  1.1 A Brief History of the World
  1.2 A Summary of the Topics

2  Basic Concepts
  2.1 Rigid Body Classification
  2.2 Rigid Body Kinematics
      2.2.1 Single Particle
            - Planar Motion in Cartesian Coordinates
            - Planar Motion in Polar Coordinates
            - Spatial Motion in Cartesian Coordinates
            - Spatial Motion in Cylindrical Coordinates
            - Spatial Motion in Spherical Coordinates
            - Motion About a Fixed Axis
      2.2.2 Particle Systems and Continuous Materials
  2.3 Newton's Laws
  2.4 Forces
      2.4.1 Gravitational Forces
      2.4.2 Spring Forces
      2.4.3 Friction and Other Dissipative Forces
            - Friction
            - Viscosity
      2.4.4 Torque
      2.4.5 Equilibrium
  2.5 Momenta
      2.5.1 Linear Momentum
      2.5.2 Angular Momentum
      2.5.3 Center of Mass
            - Discrete Mass in 1 Dimension
            - Continuous Mass in 1 Dimension
            - Discrete Mass in 2 Dimensions
            - Continuous Mass in 2 Dimensions
            - Discrete Mass in 3 Dimensions
            - Continuous Mass in 3 Dimensions
      2.5.4 Moments and Products of Inertia
            - Moment of Inertia in 1D
            - Moment of Inertia in 2D
            - Moment of Inertia in 3D
      2.5.5 Mass and Inertia Tensor of a Solid Polyhedron
            - Reduction of Volume Integrals
            - Computation by Reduction to Line Integrals
            - Computation by Direct Parameterization of Triangles
            - Comparison to Mirtich's Formulas
            - Pseudocode
  2.6 Energy
      2.6.1 Work and Kinetic Energy
      2.6.2 Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
3  Rigid Body Motion
  3.1 Newtonian Dynamics
  3.2 Lagrangian Dynamics
      3.2.1 Equations of Motion for a Particle
            - Motion on a Curve
            - Motion on a Surface
            - Determining Constraint Forces
      3.2.2 Time-Varying Frames or Constraints
      3.2.3 Interpretation of the Equations of Motion
      3.2.4 Equations of Motion for a System of Particles
      3.2.5 Equations of Motion for a Continuum of Mass
      3.2.6 Examples with Conservative Forces
      3.2.7 Examples with Dissipative Forces
            - One Particle on a Rough Plane
            - Two Particles on a Rough Plane
            - Multiple Particles on a Rough Plane
            - A Thin Rod on a Rough Plane
            - A Flat Board on a Rough Plane
            - A Solid Box on a Rough Plane
  3.3 Euler's Equations of Motion
4  Deformable Bodies
  4.1 Elasticity, Stress, and Strain
  4.2 Mass-Spring Systems
      4.2.1 One-Dimensional Array of Masses
      4.2.2 Two-Dimensional Array of Masses
      4.2.3 Three-Dimensional Array of Masses
      4.2.4 Arbitrary Configurations
  4.3 Control Point Deformation
      4.3.1 B-Spline Curves
            - Types of Knot Vectors
            - Evaluation
            - Local Control
            - Closed Curves
      4.3.2 NURBS Curves
      4.3.3 B-Spline Surfaces
      4.3.4 NURBS Surfaces
      4.3.5 Surfaces Built from Curves
            - Cylinder Surfaces
            - Generalized Cylinder Surfaces
            - Revolution Surfaces
            - Tube Surfaces
  4.4 Free-Form Deformation
  4.5 Implicit Surface Deformation
      4.5.1 Level Set Extraction
      4.5.2 Isocurve Extraction in 2D Images
      4.5.3 Isosurface Extraction in 3D Images
            - Table-Based Mesh Selection
            - Ear-Clipping-Based Mesh Selection
5  Physics Engines
  5.1 Unconstrained Motion
      5.1.1 An Illustrative Implementation
      5.1.2 A Practical Implementation
  5.2 Constrained Motion
      5.2.1 Collision Points
      5.2.2 Collision Response for Colliding Contact
            - Impulses
            - Computing the Change of Velocity
            - Multiple Contact Points
            - Simultaneous Processing of Contact Points
      5.2.3 Collision Response for Resting Contact
      5.2.4 An Illustrative Implementation
      5.2.5 Lagrangian Dynamics
  5.3 Collision Detection with Convex Polyhedra
      5.3.1 The Method of Separating Axes
      5.3.2 Stationary Objects
            - Convex Polygons
            - Convex Polyhedra
      5.3.3 Objects Moving with Constant Linear Velocity
            - Separation of Convex Polygons
            - Contact Set for Convex Polygons
            - Separation of Convex Polyhedra
            - Contact Set for Convex Polyhedra
      5.3.4 Oriented Bounding Boxes
      5.3.5 Boxes Moving with Constant Linear and Angular Velocity
            - Constant Linear Velocity
            - Constant Angular Velocity
  5.4 Collision Culling and Time Coherence
      5.4.1 Culling with Bounding Spheres
      5.4.2 Culling with Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes
            - Intersecting Intervals
            - Intersecting Rectangles
            - Intersecting Boxes
  5.5 Variations
6  Physics and Shader Programs
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Vertex and Pixel Shaders
  6.3  Deformation by Vertex Displacement
  6.4  Skin and Bones Animation
  6.5  Rippling Ocean Waves
  6.6  Refraction
  6.7  Fresnel Reflectance
  6.8  Iridescence
7  Linear Complementarity and Mathematical Programming
  7.1 Linear Programming
      7.1.1 A Two-Dimensional Example
      7.1.2 Solution by Pairwise Intersections
      7.1.3 Statement of the General Problem
      7.1.4 The Dual Problem
  7.2 The Linear Complementarity Problem
      7.1.1 The Lemke-Howson Algorithm
      7.1.2 Zero Constant Terms
      7.1.3 The Complementary Variable cannot Leave the Dictionary
  7.3 Mathematical Programming
      7.3.1 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
      7.3.2 Convex Quadratic Programming
      7.3.3 General Duality Theory
  7.4 Applications
      7.4.1 Distance Calculations
            - Distance Between Point and Convex Polygon
            - Distance Between Point and Convex Polyhedron
            - Distance Between Convex Polygons
            - Distance Between Convex Polyhedra
      7.4.2 Contact Forces
8  Differential Equations
  8.1 First-Order Equations
  8.2 Existence, Uniqueness, and Continuous Dependence
  8.3 Second-Order Equations
  8.4 General-Order Equations
  8.5 Systems of Linear Differential Equations
  8.6 Equilbria and Stability
      8.6.1 Stability for Constant-Coefficient Linear Systems
      8.6.2 Stability for General Autonomous Systems

9  Numerical Methods
  9.1 Euler's Method
  9.2 Higher-Order Taylor Methods
  9.3 Methods Via an Integral Formulation
  9.4 Runge-Kutta Methods
      9.4.1 Second-Order Methods
      9.4.2 Third-Order Methods
      9.4.3 Fourth-Order Methods
  9.5 Multistep Methods
  9.6 Predictor-Corrector Methods
  9.7 Extrapolation Methods
      9.7.1 Richardson Extrapolation
      9.7.2 Application to Differential Equations
      9.7.3 Polynomial Interpolation and Extrapolation
      9.7.4 Rational Polynomial Interpolation and Extrapolation
      9.7.5 Modified Midpoint Method
      9.7.6 Bulirsch-Stoer Method
  9.8 Verlet Integration
      9.8.1 Forces without a Velocity Component
      9.8.2 Forces with a Velocity Component
      9.8.3 Simulating Drag in a System
      9.8.4 Leap Frog Method
      9.8.5 Velocity Verlet Method
      9.8.6 Gear's Fifth-Order Predictor-Corrector Method
  9.9 Numerical Stability and its Relationship to Physical Stability
      9.9.1 Stability for Single-Step Methods
      9.9.2 Stability for Multistep Methods
      9.9.3 Choosing a Stable Step Size
  9.10 Stiff Equations

10 Quaternions
  10.1 Rotation Matrices
  10.2 The Classical Approach
      10.2.1 Relationghip of Quaternions to Rotations
  10.3 A Linear Algebraic Approach
  10.4 From Rotation Matrices to Quaternions
      10.4.1 Introduction
      10.4.2 2D Rotations
      10.4.3 Linearity
      10.4.4 3D Rotations: Part I
      10.4.5 4D Rotations
      10.4.6 3D Rotations: Part II
      10.4.7 4D Matrix
  10.5 Interpolation of Quaternions
      10.5.1 Spherical Linear Interpolation
      10.5.2 Spherical Quadratic Interpolation
  10.6 Derivatives of Time-Varying Quaternions


A  Linear Algebra
  A.1 A Review of Number Systems
      A.1.1 The Integers
      A.1.2 The Rational Numbers
      A.1.3 The Real Numbers
      A.1.4 The Complex Numbers
      A.1.5 Fields
  A.2 Systems of Linear Equations
      A.2.1 A Closer Look at Two Equations in Two Unknowns
      A.2.2 Gaussian Elimination and Elementary Row Operations
      A.2.3 Nonsquare Systems of Equations
      A.2.4 The Geometry of Linear Systems
      A.2.5 Numerical Issues
      A.2.6 Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems
  A.3 Matrices
      A.3.1 Some Special Matrices
      A.3.2 Elementary Row Matrices
      A.3.3 Inverse Matrices
      A.3.4 Properties of Inverses
      A.3.5 Construction of Inverses
      A.3.6 LU Decomposition
  A.4 Vector Spaces
      A.4.1 Definition of a Vector Space
      A.4.2 Linear Combinations, Spans, and Subspaces
      A.4.3 Linear Independence and Bases
      A.4.4 Inner Products, Length, Orthogonality, and Projection
      A.4.5 Dot Product, Cross Product, and Triple Products
      A.4.6 Orthogonal Subspaces
      A.4.7 The Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra
      A.4.8 Projection and Least Squares
      A.4.9 Linear Transformations
  A.5 Advanced Topics
      A.5.1 Determinants
      A.5.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
      A.5.3 Eigendecomposition for Symmetric Matrices
      A.5.4 S + N Decomposition
      A.5.5 Applications
B  Affine Algebra
  B.1 Introduction
  B.2 Coordinate Systems
  B.3 Subspaces
  B.4 Transformations
  B.5 Barycentric Coordinates
      B.5.1 Triangles
      B.5.2 Tetrahedra
      B.5.3 Simplices
      B.5.4 Length, Area, Volume, and Hypervolume
C  Calculus
  C.1 Univariate Calculus 
      C.1.1 Limits
      C.1.2 Limits of a Sequence
      C.1.3 Continuity
      C.1.4 Differentiation
      C.1.5 l'Hopital's Rule
      C.1.6 Integration
  C.2 Multivariate Calculus
      C.2.1 Limits and Continuity
      C.2.2 Differentiation
      C.2.3 Integration
  C.3 Applications
      C.3.1 Optimization
      C.3.2 Constrained Optimization
      C.3.3 Derivative Approximations by Finite Differences

D  Ordinary Difference Equations
  D.1 Definitions
  D.2 Linear Equations
      D.2.1 First-Order Linear Equations
      D.2.2 Second-Order Linear Equations
  D.3 Constant Coefficient Equations
  D.4 Systems of Equations