Game Physics (1st edition)

by David H. Eberly

General Information. The book is 816 pages long. It includes a CD-ROM with the Wild Magic source code. The version is 2.1 or 2.2 depending on which of the two printings of the book you have. Freely downloadable source code for the latest version is available at this site. See the source code page. The C++ source code has many examples and applications for physics simulations. The binding between the Wild Magic data structures and the physics source code is minimal, thus making it easy to modify for your own needs. The table of contents gives a brief idea of what topics are covered in the book. For an additional 16 pages of clarification for the rough friction examples, see Rough Plane Analysis. The book corrections list the known errors in the book itself. If you find what you believe to be errors in the book text or in the source code, please send an email to technical support with a description of the problem.

Answers to the Exercises. In generating a solutions manual that contains the answers to all the exercises, I discovered that some of the labels for difficulty (easy, medium, hard) are not accurate. These labels were my estimates of the difficulty, selected before producing the answers. Here are the answers to the odd-numbered exercises. The answers to the even-numbered exercises are available to instructors through Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. However, recognizing that not everyone purchasing the book is a student, I will provide answers to the even-numbered exercises on request, but please give me some assurance that you are not taking a class based on this book.

Copyright Notices. This material has been published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by Elsevier, Inc. and David H. Eberly. This material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission. Copyright © 2004 by Elsevier, Inc. and David H. Eberly.

Credits. Diane D. Cerra (Publishing Director); Tim Cox (Senior Editor); Simon Crump (Publishing Services Manager); Sarah Manchester (Production Editor); Elisabeth Beller (Project Management); Rick Camp (Editorial Coordinator); Chen Design Associates, San Francisco (Cover Design and Image); Rebecca Evans (Text Design); Windfall Software (Composition using ZzTex); Dartmouth Publishing (Technical Illustration); Yonie Overton (Copy Editor); Jennifer McClain (Proofreader); Steve Rath (Indexer); and The Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group (Interior Printer); and Phoenix Color Corporation (Cover Printer).

Reviewers. Ian Ashdown (byHeart Consultants Limited); Colin Barrett (Havok); Michael Doherty (University of the Pacific); Eric Dybsand (Glacier Edge Technology); David Eberle (Havok); Todd Growney (Electronic Arts); Paul Hemler (Wake Forest University); Jeff Lander (Darwin 3D); Bruce Maxim (University of Michigan-Dearborn); Doug McNabb (Rainbow Studios); Jon Purdy (University of Hull); and Craig Reinhart (California Lutheran University).